USPs Vs. KSPs - How we at Accounts Geek view them
In the world of marketing there’s a very important thing companies try to strive for – uniqueness. The ability to show that they’re doing something nobody else is, which is why you need to work with them/buy their products. These are usually conveyed through marketing campaigns and the such and are known as Unique Selling Points (USPs) to allow customers to see the difference in proposition from two different companies.
Here at Accounts Geek, we’re trying to break out of that mindset; it’s very difficult to come up with something truly unique in today’s world, especially in a sector such as finance where there are rules to be followed and principals to be adhered to. Some may feel that innovation isn’t something easily achievable in the accounting world, due perceived strict rules or that things have to be done in a certain way – however innovation is thriving in the world of accounting and use of software, cloud solutions and artificial intelligence.
This is why we focus on our Key Selling Points (KSPs) at Accounts Geek. We want to innovate the way we do things and that includes how we market our services. We do this by focusing on providing better value and going the extra mile, and highlighting these as KSPs rather than USPs. Whether it’s a valuable service we provide or the value of the money we save. Value is our driving force and it’s an essential part of the training our team is provided with. Our goal for customers is to go Beyond Compliance; we want to help them on their journey to grow as a business owner and as a business to flourish in their local economy.
This is why we use the term KSPs rather than USPs, as we want customers to understand that these are our driving principles for business. We have a twofold goal in mind when we look for customers, to secure more clients that share our philosophy and to help them meet their compliance requirements. These outcomes aren’t unique persay, but they’re key for how we operate, how we market ourselves and how we conduct ourselves. A more tangible example of our KSPs would be our client portal and free accounting software as well as the 2 Months Free offer for all new sign ups if they sign up with us for at least a year – this isn’t unique; people offer deals all the time. However, it is key for us as it’s an incentive to smaller businesses and even freelancers to take advantage of.
This is why the term USP can be a bit of a misnomer as there’s not many new things in the market for businesses to advertise – we as a society have been starting new businesses for centuries so unless something truly revolutionary comes along in an industry, it’s very difficult for someone to advertise something genuinely unique. KSPs are a much more accurate way of marketing services and we here at Accounts Geek are trying to innovate and excel as a fintech company in a competitive sector. Our principles are to bring value, whether monetary or intellectual – as well as helping business owners. Compliance is a necessity for the work we do but not the be all and end all of what w
Tuesday 10th October 2021 – Posted by Simon Cameron-Cooke